Installing Plugin On 2 and Newer Versions

1.Download the files available in download section.

If Extension Of Downloaded File Is

2. Upload the file in admin > extensions > extension installer.

If Extension Of Downloaded File Is only .zip

2. Extract the file and upload the .ocmod.xml file

3. Click next untill extension is installed and progress bar shows complete.

4. Go to admin > extensions > modifications > find top right “refresh” button

5. Now wait until page reloads completely. Now you are done with installation you can proceed to extension settings as described in documentation of specific extension.

Installing Plugin on 1.5.x versions

Download the files and extract and quickly go through some folders , see if you find any folder named “Vqmod” or any file with extensions “.xml” .

If Yes then

For installing plugin you will need vqmod installed.

If you don’t have Vqmod installed you need to install one. There are number of articles and how to videos you can search that on any search engine like google. Here is an article that will help you
Okay now as you have Vqmod installed and there shows a Vqmod folder on your store root files.

Follow these in both cases

1. Unzip the downloaded files, sometimes there is “Upload” folder if yes then upload contents of “Upload” folder.

2. Upload the contents on the root of your store files. Commonly you must see “catalog”, “admin” or “system” folder that gives a hint that these files are to be uploaded on root.

3. Use ftp or cpanel and upload the files, It will automatically transfer files on appropriate places.

Now you are done with installation you can proceed to extension settings as described in documentation of specific extension.

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